The low fat cooking has become the need of the hour. Many people fancy low fat cooking because of the benefits they have in store for them. It helps them to keep their body fit and protects them from various diseases such as heart problems, cholesterol etc the article teaches you some of the basics of low fat cooking.This article covers
- Introduction to low fat cooking recipe
- Methods of cooking fat low, tips
- Why go for low fat carb cooking?
- Benefits of low fat cooking recipes
Low fat diet and low fat cooking recipes are the in thing of the day. The reasons for their popularity are not very difficult to understand. But the predominant one of them circles around socio-pathological background. So, what are fats? As we all know, fats form an important class of foods which provide certain nutritional value. Physically they are semi solid, greasy feeling compounds of organic chemicals like glycerol and certain fatty acids. Fats help in absorption of vitamins.
You would do better to know more about the different types of fats. Three main types of fats are saturated fats, monounsaturated fats and lastly polyunsaturated fats. Fats from animal source are generally saturated fats whereas vegetable sourced fats are unsaturated types. Saturated fats generally are solids in room temperatures and excessive consumption can generate unmanageable amounts of cholesterol. We will discuss this with low fat foods and low fat diets.
Introduction to Low Fat Cooking Recipe
Low fat cooking recipes are catching the imagination with increase in health consciousness. Celebrities, dieticians and healthcare magazines are helping the growth of awareness. By definition, cooking low fat, straight away means using less or no fat to cook. Strictly, this does not mean you can not use oils at all. So, the key to low fat foods and low fat diet lies in choosing fat free cooking ingredients.Methods of Cooking Fat Low, Tips
Very simply put, you can follow these tips for cooking low fat.- When you must use oil as a non stick medium, you have two options. First: make use of a non stick cookware and second: use non stick cooking spray in place of butter or oil.
- Trim as much fat as possible from meat
- Use lean, thin meat sticks instead of stouter ones
- Go for a non traditional cooking procedure like using grilling, microwaving or steaming to avoid fat instead of frying
- use more fat free milk in mashed potatoes or chicken breasts
- Use soy sauces, flavored olive oil or herbs, spices and even fruits to marinate your food. This constitutes a part of low fat carb cooking
- Make ice creams and cheese cakes from fat free or low fat creams
- Avoid fatty red meat as far as possible
Why Go For Low Fat Carb Cooking?
It is obvious that saturated fats don't digest completely as they are difficult to breakdown.The saturated fats accumulate in the blood vessels and soft tissues increasing your weight.The undigested fats also convert into cholesterol, and circulate throughout arteries by LDL (bad fat).Arteries are the fresh blood carriers away from the heart.Excessive cholesterol is returned to the liver by another fatty compound called HDL (good fat).If cholesterol is left out in the arteries, they some what harden (formation of plaques), especially in diabetics, and restrict blood flow from heart.So here starts the mother of all the problems. This is the beginning of cardiac failure, stroke and kidney failure.Benefits Of Low Fat Cooking Recipes
Low fat carb cooking and a good regimen of low fat diet helps you avoid all these in addition to keeping you away from the more common problems associated with over weight such as arthritis, joint pains and slipped disc. If you thought, keeping healthy was all about eating low fat foods, think again. The aging signs like sagging of your skin at an early age will not perhaps affect you owing to low or no fat accumulation under your skin. Problems like acne, sebaceous cy sts will bother you less and don't forget the glow it could bring to your skin.Fruits